Fuzzy's Back ._0 ish...

Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

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Fuzzy's Back ._0 ish...

Post by Fuzzy »

hi! >0<

Okay, so the plans for moving out are in progress, but they're crawling. I've got 3 tests left and 2 papers between two classes total to finish, and a commission. I've also got art block up the yinyang, around the corner and seven ways to sunday with my mental eggs scrambled and/or falling off a plate. ._O;

I just can't leave this place alone for any period of time. You're all family to me.

But I did a lot of thinking while I was hiatus-ing, and I still peeked around. This is what I came up with.

1) I'm okay at CGing monthly exchanges.
2) I suck at short stories. I've got several (such as Stormchild), but I get to the 'middle' and have no idea what to do or where to go with them to get to my foreseen ending.
3) Stat pages for me are okay, but I wind up 'collecting' and never breeding any of the dragons...
4) I'm awful with templating, so my dragonry is stuttering along. I can do okay writeups for clutches, buuut... the images are old, so I wanted to revise them.
5) I'm having anatomy issues with drawing my dragons in an attempt to revamp them.
6) I look up to several people here and want to get better so I can be like them, but the above points are still difficult for me and I'm trying to get past it.
7) My hiatuses are embarassing. I feel like I'm jerking everyone's strings around when I say I'm brbing and I have stuff here left to accomplish (tatt-dragon litter 2, alugi clutch 1, the exchange dragon from last month, etc) as well as accomplishing stuff in real world to get my situation better. I know my IRL situation's messy, I'm sure people are sick of hearing about it (so I keep it to a minimum)- but in a few months it'll be easier.

In short, sorry for dumping all my BS on all of you, I'm back, I'm -staying- back (and during the period when I'm actually leaving the house and all my stuff is on a U-Haul I'll let you know), and I'm hoping to somehow get better and rectify everything. :<
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Post by Shard »

he hee - hugs.

Don't worry - I've been 'jerking people around' on strings (can you say summer swim 2002?) for a long, long time.... >_> *dies*
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Post by DNS »

-snugs- Don't worry about it, fuzz. I luff you no matter what. :3 sometimes, you just gotta get stuff off your chest, too, so I dun mind hearing about personal problems.

<3 <3 <3

PS, your art is always awesome. so bah. <3
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Post by Fuzzy »

^_^* [hugs Shard] Geez, five years? Ouch! Poor you. >.<

*snugs DNS* I managed to miss you on my AIM list somehow. ;; I been wondering where you poofed to.

I think part of it is "monkey see, monkey do"- I see all this great stuff floating around and I try to emulate it by putting a really high standard on myself (I do that anyway; I hardly ever draw these days and it bugs the fluff out of me because I'm trying to focus more on anatomy, foreshortening, lighting and less on line).

I also feel like I'm sitting on the sidelines still and not going into the darn Nexus buildings, 'cause I've got a collection (which I know is still needing tweeking!), a relatively sucky layout (wanted to emphasize the colors of the dragons! maybe someday I'll find something), and I'm just sitting here going "HI! I'm only really capable of text blurblets and stat pages but I'd really like into this clutch and maybe if I'm lucky someday I'll breed my babies..." ._x makes me feel kind'a half-assed, yanno?

So my problem seems to be half mental. (I had to prod myself to post this morning, because I was noticing I was still -here- and not hiatusing like I tried to.)

{clings to you two} Thanks for the support and patience, though. <3 Means the world to me right now, especially since my IRL social life is relatively zilch (finishing college and readying to move out and jobhunt will do that).
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Post by Shard »

Don't worry about it!

Put your blurblets on pages, and stick their critter on it, and call it done! :D

I mean come on. I have like....1200 dragons. Do you think they all have been touched in ages?? NooooO! :) I've been going through my old sites and re-doing them (Blackstone/Alabaster is being redone, from my old Dawnlight_creator site. Paveh Hold is being redone from my many-o-me site. etc) so they're smaller and more streamlined - but I'm not *touching* any of the info or stories :) Just copy-paste-cleanup-link. over, and over.

And when you come across a dragon or something that needs to be bred, just put up slightly more story when you see fit! :)
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Post by Fuzzy »

[huuuugs] Okay, definitely "just me" being too hard on myself then ^^'' I just feel like I *have* to do everything in a timely way and that people don't really like stats pages, etc etc blah blah.

I've got lots of work to do!! [hugs again] thankies everyone <:3 You guys are nuts/awesome.

This time I'm actually gonna be -smart- about it and start keeping proper records of things...
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Post by Dray »

Wibs, CD! :3 Y'know, I know this is going to sound cheesy, but since it's a hobby-thing I don't think you need to worry about being too hard on yourself. <3 Your artwork is lovely, and lots of people accept and prefer stats pages. Some people just aren't the writing type, which isn't a crime.

*hugs* Good luck with the moveout! I'm so glad that you're finally getting away!
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Post by Fuzzy »

X3 really? I kept thinking that quality of story bits was better. :3;; [hugs!}

Mebbe my fear was the "OhcrapwhatifIsuckatthisIhavetodogood!" syndrome. o_O I know my exchanges are good (by my standards- I need to be more productive!! except I just did a painting, thankfully- so I'm not entirely art-starving).

X3 Hehe, I'm glad to be moving away too! ^^ Guess things are meant to in their time, huh? [hughugs lots!] Now to just get the stuff all formalized! x3
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Post by Dray »

@_@ I learned something very important at school: putting your head into the "Oh my god, I suck, everybody around me is doing better than me, why am I even here?" train of thought is pretty well crippling. Part of... of life, I guess? Is learning not to judge your stuff based off of what other people do. Do the work, but don't get so attached to it that you can't finish it for frustration of the nitpicky mistakes!

*hugs tight* Just do what you think is fun. If it stops being fun, step back and take a breather. <3
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Post by DNS »

mm, teach me not to dissapear for a few days. <3>.> I'm not much of a writer at all, or much of an artist, really. :3 makes me wonder why I'm on here at all, but it's fun, so that's enough reason.

-snugs- I think I abandoned my old AIM after some annoying people from years ago refound me on it. Now I'm hanging around Kaiser of Dada. You can also always poke me on gmail chat/Google talk- dada.siegt@gmail.com. Is all good.

luffluff. Glad you're moving out and everything, too. -hugs-
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Post by Fuzzy »

Yup, but at points you can't help but stare at everyone else's stuff and wish it was yours XD Besides, no two artists would draw alike even if you taught them the exact same things and gave them the exact same experiences.

Nexus = FUN! ^^ Sometimes, work (like hard templates), but rewarding. X3 I wouldn't be here otherwise.

*ambles off happily hugging everyone*
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