Mindspace Pet Updates** / Pet breeding info/restrictions?

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Mindspace Pet Updates** / Pet breeding info/restrictions?

Post by DNS »

This is important.

Since I'm thinking I'm going to allow breeding and hybridizing with all of my pets, even when the flitter frenzy's done with (Either through myself or other places), I'm going to need a list of things.

IC, Whenever any of your characters gets a pet creature native to mindspace, they will recieve a Mindspace Book. Which is basically a huge, blank book with potentially infinite pages, whose sole purpose is to record every mindspace-native pet creature that enters that dragonry or world. :3 yay for magic. I don't care if it's just left ina room; i just want it to exist, even i none's imaaagination.

OOC, this means I'd like basically an index page of all the pet creatures you've gotten from mindspace all nice on one page. Doesn't have to be organized, i'd just like links, and names if there is no link? X.x maybe with anotation as to species, but otherwise, yes. :3 this will make it simple for breeding. I won't nessicarily enforce this, but I really would appreciate it? X.x Doesn't have to be complicated at all, if it's literally a white-bg-blue-link page with a bunch of names and species names next to it, i'm totally fine.

On the pet breeding thing, I'm finding that drawing pet templates is good practice and it's kind of soothing. So, when the flitter frenzy's all done with, or even if it never is done with and is a continuous thing, I think I'll open pet breedings of my own. Which means I need info on other people's pets.

This is what I'm looking to get permission for:

May I use your species in breeding?
Are there any restrictions? (You can give me info for each species seperately, or every one you've drawn. If it's the latter, though, please tell me which one's I'm NOT allowed to use.)
May I draw purebred images of your species?
What may I do on the subject of hybridizing? (Can they breed naturally with other types of flitter? With more nonflitter like things, like hunter cats and rukels, provided i get permissions with those? If not, can I genetically combine them? Are there things with which they will not breed?)
Anything else I should know?
May I do same gendered breeding, which would basically be the same deal as with my dragons, magic modification wise.

All of this is kind of tentative right now, i might not do it at all, but yes.

If I do, it'll be pretty informal; no flights, no candidates. I'll breed my creatures together, or, if people give me permission to permanently use any of their creatures, I'll breed mine randomly with theirs. If someone wants a specific pairing, they can contact me and we can arrange something. If two people want me to draw offspring between their seperate creatures, that's fine so long as they both submit it to me and inform me that it's cool with them and everything's arranged beforehand. and stuff. :/

I suppose I should ask for permission to do this~ and maybe things i can permanently use? Like, creatures with which i can breed things randomly without asking permission~ not any temporary additions, though, that's too hard to keep track of-- if anyone wants babies with what would be a temporary addition, then.. just contact me if you ever want to breed them with anything?

:/ once again, this is tentative. If anyone feels like i'm stepping on their toes or stealing their ideas, i honestly don't mean to. X.x Tell me and i'll drop the whole thing.

And, finally, for the record-- any of my places are open to any sort of breeding.
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Post by Kitsuneko »

In response to rukels:

May I use your species in breeding? Yes!
Are there any restrictions? No. Um...no.
May I draw purebred images of your species? OMG YES!
What may I do on the subject of hybridizing? (Can they breed naturally with other types of flitter? With more nonflitter like things, like hunter cats and rukels, provided i get permissions with those? If not, can I genetically combine them? Are there things with which they will not breed?)
In the flitter frenzy, I've pretty much been breeding them with anything under the sun anyway, so um...yeah. No restrictions there. >.>
Anything else I should know? Rukels are highly prone to random mutations, especially if they live or spend a large amount of time in Darkling Dawn.
May I do same gendered breeding, which would basically be the same deal as with my dragons, magic modification wise. I'd rather not, at least breeding wise. You can combine them genetically, though, I'm fine with that.
Darkling Dawn: Fauna Frenzy Open to candidates; flights open to males/females; rukel eggs/breedings available.
Drockh-Tallahn Castle: 3 eggs, 2 available. Females and males needed.
Sgiath Wolfkeep: 7 pups available
Sedona Weyr: 12 eggs, Deadline March 8. Chasers and a female needed.
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Post by DNS »

:3 badass. Thank you, Kitsu! I shall note all of that.
-wriggles happily at- >.> And thanks for the enthusiasm with the drawing purebreds. I think. it makes me strangely happy inside. and hmm, if their genetics would react to a highly magically-charged atmosphere, being in mindspace might cause a fair share of mutations as well, but i'll hold that off for now. :3 RUKELSYAY.
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

May I use your species in breeding? Yes!
Are there any restrictions? Uh... nothing physical no. Draca are picky.
May I draw purebred images of your species? That would earn you much love.
What may I do on the subject of hybridizing? (Can they breed naturally with other types of flitter? With more nonflitter like things, like hunter cats and rukels, provided i get permissions with those? If not, can I genetically combine them? Are there things with which they will not breed?)
They can breed naturally with other types of flits, but they'll steer away from Pernese types. Draca can be insanely choosy over who they mate with. Which is why there's so few of them left in the Nexus.
Anything else I should know? Draca breath fire and can teleport. They are relatively intelligent and hold themselves in high regard because of it. If they attach themselves to a mage, they'll insist on being called familiars instead.
May I do same gendered breeding, which would basically be the same deal as with my dragons, magic modification wise. Eh... you'll have to ask the individual draca. :3 Some will be fine with it, some won't.
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Post by Shadow »

May I use your species in breeding? Yeah
Are there any restrictions? Nope
May I draw purebred images of your species? Yeah
What may I do on the subject of hybridizing? About anything, But the main characteristic of a Littlebit is it's teardrop wings.
Anything else I should know? About anything mutation wise can happen to a purebred Littlebit. Except have legs XD
May I do same gendered breeding, which would basically be the same deal as with my dragons, magic modification wise. I don't realy care if you do, just have fun with it.
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Post by Shard »

May I use your species in breeding?
Yes, flitters through ferilons et al.

Are there any restrictions?
Only restricted species is the Selampotatotots from the Otherforest because technically they can't leave the planet.

May I draw purebred images of your species?

What may I do on the subject of hybridizing?
Pretty much anything under the sun, provided that the flitter/creature in question has access to your world. If they make it there, I'm not gonna stop you from breeding them.

Anything else I should know?
this applies to flitters, ferilons, ferojilon, belka, egyptans and anything else I've got or drawn.

May I do same gendered breeding, which would basically be the same deal as with my dragons, magic modification wise.
Yes of course it's engineering/magic, no limits. Zekiran pets (ferilons and egyptans) would be extra amenable to genetic alteration.
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Post by Unyko »

*sneaks in from class as she's about to leave for home*

May I use your species in breeding? Surely. <3
Are there any restrictions? *shrug* They're synth-type-technology-or-whatever-equivalent only, for inter-species mixing. Since they're genderless. And it usually takes three. ^.^;
May I draw purebred images of your species? No please. *sheepish*
What may I do on the subject of hybridizing? They can't breed normally at all, except with their own species, so yeah. Genetic mixing only.
Anything else I should know? Erm.. not that I can think of? You can check out their info if you want, but I wrote it so long ago I can't really remember much of what it says. ^.^;;;
May I do same gendered breeding, which would basically be the same deal as with my dragons, magic modification wise. *small snrk* They don't have genders, but sure, whatever you want. XD
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Post by DNS »

:3 thanks all of you~ I've been so into paging my cattery that ialmost missed these. XP This gives me lots of options.
-hugs everyone and gurgles- Hwee I can't wait for this. :3

Ps, where can i find me some of these egyptans, shard? >.> Like, an example image. Their names make me interested, and I've never seen one.
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Post by Shard »

I inherited these from Jona a long time ago. I've been totally slacking on giving them out properly and probably will hand off the agency itself to someone else in my yahoo group for em, but maybe I'll just sit on them...

http://www.geocities.com/egyptan_breeder/ should take you to the basic page. It hasn't been updated in about... 5 years now, and I've been meaning to update it to a click and take option. I don't use most of the plain colored ones any longer. Usually I make special ones, I think I gave a couple out for the holiday clutch, didn't I?

I didn't do this custom but as an example pretty much anyone who's in the yahoo group (and here) as long as they link to my site can make customs. There are blank images in the group's files.
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