Lava Dragon-Adult updated!

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Lava Dragon-Adult updated!

Post by Xalia »

Okay, so I was bored at work today and got this fun idea for a dragon hatchling/youth picture...this is actually inspired by my dog... XD But anyways, I intended it to be one of the present Kilandaians but ended up with something I loved but couldn't put wings species!!! :D I'll figure out more info later but for now, I just wanted to post this guy and show him off because I love him and he is special and is probably going to be a candidate whenever I can finish the joint story I'm working on and draw the adult stage of this species... Ack... XD Anyways, meet the very first Lava dragon youth!


Comments and critiques are welcome, I'm actually thinking of editing him a bit to give him just a tad more shine in places...but I'm tired at the moment so it can wait...

Oh, and this was done /kinda/ using Dray's tutorial/technique thing and I didn't even use my tablet! *preens* (Mostly because I was too lazy to pull it out but I think I did pretty darn good all the same...)

*shuts up and actually posts him*
Last edited by Xalia on Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Shard »

Big paws! I loves big paws! :) What a cutie!
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Post by Graeth »

Looks like he belongs on a glass bottom boat.
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Post by Cacopheny »

D'awwwwww. That is freaking adorable XD
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Post by Xalia »

Okay, I LOVE the way this guy turned out...he's still just a sketch though because I think I have some anatomical issues to work out. PLEASE if you can tell what's wrong let me know...I think it's mostly that the torso's too long or something, but it's supposed to kinda be long or maybe it's his hip angle...meh...I love him too much to figure it out so please help me! He's supposed to look like he's turning around...was heading left but saw something of interest so he's doing a U-ey and heading kinda right and towards the 'camera'...

Anyways, here he is! *loves on him*

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Post by Cacopheny »

You might want to lift one of his forepaws, cuz it doesn't look like he's in motion-- he looks more like he just stopped in that slightly twisted position. A lifted forepaw would help with the illusion of movement. Also, the illusion of moving "towards the camera" would be aided if his head were facing towards said camera; he looks more like something off to the side caught his interest ^^

Otherwise, I think you could make his chest and forelimbs a little thicker-- they're rather thin, compared to his hindquarters and hind limbs. However, if they're supposed to be semi-bipedal it's probably fine ^^

These guys are really cute, Liz XD
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Post by Xalia »

You know...if I splayed the toes out on that left front (viewer's left, not dragon's left) then it'd probably be more obvious that the right front /is/ lifted... XD Just a tad, as if he's just picking it up...

And something to the side /did/ just catch his attention...that's what I meant... :)

But you're right, his chest needs to be wider...and I think I know what to do to make his hindquarters look right... *nods*
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Post by Shadow »

EEeee!! He's cute! Gotta love him! ~_^ Great job!!
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Post by Dray »

I think there's something very off about how the forelimbs are positioned--they look almost as if there are joints missing, or that they're on backwards. O.o The hind legs seem to be attached quite high--the pelvis on many quadruped creatures leaves their thigh-bones starting much lower. Shifting the knee a little lower or tilting it to make it more towards the viewer might help with that. The horns also look a bit off, like one is pointing more up then the other.

Interesting dragon. XD reminds me of a wingless Piralan, sort of, or like... Siebel-babies, just the hairy chest and tail and winglessness and all that. Can't wait to see the colouring--I really like that on the baby! :3
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Post by Xalia »

The forelimbs are supposed to be like horses with an elbow up high (hidden by the fur) and a knobby knee area about half-way down the leg. The hind limbs are supposed to be high so they have greater range of motion than a horse does...these guys need to be able to maneuver actually /in/ lava, so they really need mobility in their back legs so they can twist and turn and kick out. Horses are decent swimmers but you get them in thick mud and they get stuck! XD With greater mobility in the hind legs these guys should be able to maneuver better. They also /can/ take a bipedal stance much like some quadrupeds can though unless they work those muscles constantly (like my dog who is quite good at walking on her hind legs) they aren't very balanced like that.

That back horn is too long...makes it look like he's got a horn out of the middle of his head and none on the other side... XD I'll fix that...

I think I will lower the thigh a little bit too...'specially since with that back leg lifted like that he'll be leaning a bit on that front leg which would lower the perspective of that thigh and tilt the hip... *nods*

Thanks everyone! I know what to do now, just have to find the time to do it! The adult won't be colored until next scanner is still broken and I don't like using my mom's so I'll scan him from work on Monday and try to find time to color him! :D
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Post by Xalia »

Okay, adult update...will have to trace this onto cleaner paper and ink it tonight (hopefully) then scan again tomorrow if this looks better to everyone! I widened the shoulders, splayed out the toes on the foot on the ground, adjusted the horn, the hips and the knee. When I trace it I will probably move the ear over and down a bit to match the new horn location and move the front left (viewer's left) leg over to line up better with the new shoulders.

Other than that, anything else need fixing?


*examines him* I think I may lift that raised hind looks too low and doesn't really match the new hip angle... >.>
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Post by Cacopheny »

You might want to shorten/pull back the stationary (front) hind leg, there. It's all forward-placed when, given the gait, it should probably be a little farther back. It's on the same perspective-level as the lifted paw, which just looks like he's going to over-balance or sommat. I still think the forelegs are a little too thin, compared to both the hind legs and the huge paws... they'd be amazingly easy to break, with all the weight on top and bottom >.>

Good job on widening the shoulders, though, that looks much better. And the horn, too XD

One little thing: he looks like he's missing a tooth on his lower jaw ^^ Might wanna either add it in, or move it over some so it's not hiding.

Can't wait to see him colored : D
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