Outline Giveaway?

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Anyone interested in an outline giveaway...?

Good idea! Want! Gimmegimme!
Bad idea. Never speak of it again.
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Meh, for someone else maybe, I'm not interested.
I'd be interested, but I don't have time to color things either.
Other, which I will be kind enough to mention with a reply. <3
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Outline Giveaway?

Post by Unyko »

I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this thing, but.. here you go anyway. ^.^;; Just checking to see if there's any interest. *timid*

Kay, I realize that I love to draw outlines, but don't like to/have much time to/don't want to actually color all of them. XD I can sit and draw for hours on end (and it usually takes me 15-30 minutes for any given outline), but I have nothing to do with them after that. Sure, I can use them for candidates or send them places, or do random giveaways with them, but that all involves sitting down and coloring the outlines, which, as already stated, I don't really have as much time to devote to.

So. Would anyone be interested in outlines? They'd be just for you, to keep and color for yourself, or give away how ever you want; no one else would be able to do anything with the outline you're given, except maybe me if I ended up having time to color one for myself. You could seriously do whatever you wanted with them, including use them for your own adoptions (as long as there is some credit for the drawing, of course ^.~;).

There you are. Good idea? Bad idea? Did someone else already try this and it crashed so horribly that no one ever wanted to hear of it again? o.o;;; *fretful*
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Post by Unyko »

Oh, and I forgot to mention: The outlines would potentially be semi-custom.. meaning that you'd give me a short description and I'd figure it into the outline. ^.^; Or parents, and I'd draw the offspring. Or something. I'd even be willing to do a few non-human characters, if anyone wanted them, and -those- would be completely custom. *shrug* Whatevah! Just.. y'know.. STUFF! TO DRAW! So Uny doesn't go insane. *sheepish*
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Post by JKatkina »

X3 It's a good idea, but I personally take so bloomin' long to color outlines that it wouldn't be worth it for me.

A good way to tempt people into coloring your outlines, though, is to use their characters from the Breedables Database, in the Database forum/section. Course, it's best to talk to the artist-in-question beforehand, but I know I'd be more likely to color the offspring of my own dragons than random (albeit beautiful!) lineart. ^^;
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Post by Cacopheny »

I don't color templates (real media = way too much time, and awkward to do with computer printouts, anyway), but I think it's a neat idea, and a cool way to get more of your art out there.

I think you should still do some coloring, though ;.; I love your coloring jobs....
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Post by Unyko »

*hugs for JKat and Caco* Thanks for the input. <3

JKat: Yeah, that's sorta why I added the little amendment there. ^.^; I would so totally not mind doing breedables database pairs, especially if I could get other people to color the offspring. XD Really, at the moment, all I do is sit and stare at my blank paper and want to draw, but I don't wanna just do random things that aren't really ever gonna go anywhere. So I don't end up drawing anything after an hour of staring at the paper. XD Ah well. I draw too fast, that's the problem. Otherwise, I could be working on flight offspring. But that's all caught up, except for the coloring. So.. yeah. *sheepish*

Boy, it really must be late for me to ramble that much. XD!

Caco: <3 I'm really hoping that there is at leas some interest in it, so I can contact those people and make them let me draw for them. *laff* And no worries there, I'll still be coloring stuff, I just... draw so much more than I color, I'd hafta sit at the computer for a full 24hrs to color all the outlines it'd take me a total of two hours to draw and ink. *sheepish*
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Post by Shard »

I love the idea of templates for use by people who've got the need! :) I have no personal need for em because man do I have a lot of inherited images already. :) I still need to put a couple of them to use, actually. But it's always neat to see who winds up with what, and how they've colored em.
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Post by Dray »

Dude, you sound like me. XD I used to shirk all of my colouring to Phe (<.< And still occasionally do *cough*) because either I didn't have enough time or just sat there, looking at the un-coloured images, making "Ohgod, don'twannacolouralla/that/!" noises!

But, you know? For Uny-arts, I'd horde away and colour once I had a snitch of time! XD

I'd definitely love to see lineart for various breedables database pairs and singletons. X3 That'd be awesome!
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Post by DNS »

drawing and inking my own linearts is a major problem for me, mostly hte inking because my computer hates my soul.
A set of lineart or two would be godlike, then i could just colourr~ ;-; but only if you have the time and don't mind.
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Post by Kitsuneko »

I'd be interested in coloring-except then I wouldn't really know what to with them after that. :/ Maybe do giveaways like with the breedables offspring...
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Post by jess d »

I'd be interested, I think I could have a use for a couple.

And what exactly do you mean by non-human characters? Dragon types, anthros, or something different?

Forgive me, I'm only half awake right now, but if I wait till I'm awake, I'll forget about this post, as I won't get back to a computer till sometime this evening.... I hate work
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Post by Unyko »

Oh! So there's a little interest after all! ^.^ *happy-relief*

*giggles at Dray, and dittos the sentiment* You know, I could always do an outline trade, too.. *grinwinkhint* XD

DNS: *phbbp* Silly thing. Of course I have the time. X3 That's what this whole thing is all about 'member?

Kitsuneko: Mmmm.. I really do like drawing offspring.. I'd do -so- many breedables database pairings if I felt like coloring 'em all. ^.^; If I could get someone to color 'em for me, it would be akin to paradise. *amused* And giveaways are -always- good. *<3 for giveaways*

Jess: Non-human would be.. er.. mostly just anything that didn't have a human-like face. ^.^; I'm -horrible- with faces, but I can get the forms and proportions all right, usually. Anthros are good. I like antrhos. <3 ...If they have animalistic features. Even only faintly animal-like, so I don't have to flail about and try to make a human nose and mouth look.. well.. human. XD So yeah. Did that answer the question? *also somewhat off today, thanks to working the polls all day yesterday*
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Post by jess d »

Yep, that answers my question. Definitely.
I've been wanting some images for some of my characters, but I am really bad at drawing anthro-types (and human figures, but I don't really need any of those!). Most of the time I can get the faces for humanoids, but not the hands, or other little details.

Would you like me to PM you with details of what I'd like and you can tell me if you could / would be willing to do them?
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Post by DNS »

If I could get someone to color 'em for me, it would be akin to paradise. *amused* And giveaways are -always- good. *<3 for giveaways*
Roffle, it's the exact opposite. I'm OKAY at colouring, but my lineart makes me want to pull my hair out because it's so fustrating and URG.
But yeah. Uny, iffen you ever wanna make wierd offsprings for your things I'll colour a few for you. XP I can do that much.

Aand I'll PM you my requesties for species. I'm sending you three, but only pick one okay? ;-;

-hugglegnaw- ps: thankyouthankyouTHANKYOU and if you end up not wanting to do these or can't for osme reason, that's fine too.
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Post by Unyko »

Jess: X3 Surely!

DNS: Aww.. why only one?

Hey people interested in this, should I put up a giveaway thread in the giveaway forum, or just have you send me requests/post them here? *could do either and/or have this thread moved to the giveaway forum..* *shrug?* ^.^;
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Post by DNS »

:/ Well, these are requests more than giveaways, but that's just me. iunno? andand, only one because otherwise i'd feel bad for monopolising your time.
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Post by Krystaura »

That sounds cool. I know I'm a fairly inept artist, and having an outline to practice coloring and whatnot on (while I continue figuring out my own dragon species) would be super helpful. I am very interested in it. :)
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Post by Midori »

If you don't mind I'd love maybe one or two outlines, if possible I'm not overly picky so if you have any laying around you don't want to see go to waste let me know because I have someone that'll help me learn to color and trying it on your awsom dragons would be very cool.
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