Sherra's candidate bin! Want one? ^^

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Sherra's candidate bin! Want one? ^^

Post by hksherra »

Ok... I finished up some Flurry candies and was rooting through my candidate folder when I realized...

Hey.. I hadn't finished that one! In fact, I'd barely started!

And then I found six more! XD

Soooooo... I'm offering up-for-grabs my half-finished stuff! Most of them are less than half-finished... But... Anyways...

Know that if you claim a candidate, that I'll finish it. XD Not saying that it'll be a good ending... I may just brick-wall something if I'm not inspired or don't feel like it. So... you could get a full-blown Sherra candie or a short-and-pointless... but a candie's a candie, right?

So... I'm gonna actually post the story chunklets that I have so you can see 'em. Some will be longer than others depending on where I quit... And some have stats... And... That's it! Candie time!

Just to clarify, my original thought was that I'd finish them and I'd send them to you as candidates. If, though, you want to adopt them and finish them yourselves, you can feel free!

Name: Maerik
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: Maerik is tall and slightly leggy, though he makes up for it by keeping himself fit. He has bluish gray hair that is usually tied back in a short ponytail. He isn’t particularly handsome, tending more towards the rugged. He generally dresses in either his combat gear or whatever clothes are comfortable for the season.
Personality: Maerik knows what needs to be done and has the willpower to do it in most situations. He tries to look out for people, especially the ones that he cares about. He tries not to care about too many, though, because he doesn’t want to have to make a difficult decision that might end up hurting them...
Abilities: Maerik is a battle mage and is very skilled at leadership.


“This is impossible,” growled Tevrod. “How are we supposed to protect the town if the ghosts are all over the place?”

Maerik snorted. “Don’t talk about it like we’ve already lost. It isn’t really that bad. The ghosts are all coming from the canyon, here.” He jabbed a gloved finger to a point on the map, the candlelight making the spidery lines hard to see. “We can send out teams to try to hunt down the ghosts that have already gotten past that point, but if we set up a barricade there, we can at least slow them down.”

“And then station our men right beyond it?” asked Tevrod, squinting down at the piece of parchment. “It could work, but we’d be stretched awfully thin.”

“Not as thin as we’d be if we tried to do anything else.” Maerik sank back in his seat a little, glancing up at the roof of the tent. It wasn’t going to be easy, he knew that already. The “ghosts” weren’t really ghosts in the strictest of definitions. They had no reason to believe that they were departed spirits of any kind, but they were translucent and ephemeral enough to be named such anyways.

(I had big plans for that one but the clutch closed before I finished and I lost inspiration! XD)

(female human... kinda)

The song that ripped from Mimoia’s throat filled the room with resonating horror.

One of her assailants clutched as his head, blood leaking from his ears and eyes. Another screamed and clawed at his own chest, heart spasming in time with the music. Soon they all were on the floor, blood pooling from whatever exit it had made.

(XD I was just in a violent mood that day...)

(Female shape-shifter human)

Nual gasped with pain, her tendons shifting and snapping against bones. Slowly her fingers were shortening, pelvic twisting forward, eyes enlarging. Already the beginnings of feathers were poking out through new holes in her skin. The last rays of the sun fell upon her completed form, a tiny sparrow sitting in brown leaves.

“I don’t know why you bother,” said Maesa the wolf. “Why can’t you just pick one form and stick with it?”

The sparrow hopped back and forth, fixing Maesa with brown beady eyes. /You know why I can’t. If I don’t change every day I’ll be stuck in the form that I am at nightfall./

The wolf yawned and rolled onto her side disdainfully. “And what would be so wrong with that? Most creatures have to stay in one form their life. You never hear me complaining about it.”

/Yes, but... If I was stuck in one shape I wouldn’t be able to do things as easily./

The tone in Nual’s mental voice was clear and the wolf could only shake her head. “You may look like an animal but you think like a human. Why must humans always want what is owned by other humans?”

Nual puffed up and gave one smug little look before flapping into the night sky. /Because we’re more ambitious than you animals, that’s why./

“I’m plenty ambitious...” grumbled Maesa, heaving herself to four feet. “They just don’t happen to be about hoarding piles of shiny rocks...” Maesa trotted after the direction that the sparrow had flown in, knowing that if Nual wanted to be followed she’d fly slowly enough to.

Another night, another thievery.

Just great.

(I had plans for that one too but forgot what they were...)

Name: Onsho
Gender: Male
Species: Damargon
Size: 7’ tall
Age: Young adult
Personality: Onsho is strong-willed almost to the point of stubbornness, though he generally has good intentions. If someone gets in the way of his katamari rolling, though, his bad temper will flare up like a volcano. He is loyal to those who are patient enough to hang out with him despite his outbursts.


Onsho rolled his katamari faster, picking up speed to vault over a broken fence, picking up pieces of it on the way. The family of squirrels he had rolled over previously where chittering in complaint, but Onsho didn’t let that bother him. They’d soon be spacedust, anyways. Onsho rolled through the field, picking up the wheat as he went along. There would be some angry farmers outside soon, but hopefully he’d have his ball big enough to pick up them too by then.

He skidded to one side, rolling towards a flock of agitated chickens. Their squawks were music to his ears

(don't know where I was going there... but a cute lil Damargon!)

Name: Shibboleth
Gender: Female
Species: Flame-winged Grydragon
Color: Green-striped brown
From: Myrror of the Edge of Shadows
Parents: Black/brown/red Dhumdhanath and anonymous whorling
Abilities: Teleportation, telepathy, firebreath. The flames on her back don't burn all the time... but she can make them if she wants to!
Personality: Like her father, Shibboleth is over the top. She loves to be in everyone's business, but also like her father, she is endowed with enough charisma to get away with it. She can be everybody's friend, and tries to be. She has an excellent sense of adventure and is always trying to drag her buddies off on some new one!

~When you rise to mate, I want no one to be able to catch you.~ Dhumdhuanath watched Shibboleth from where he lay stretched out on the sand of the lake. ~So, make sure that you get your flying practice in today.~

Shibboleth gave Dhum a nod. “Thanks, Dad.”

Dhum rumbled approval. ~Just ask me if you need any pointers. I’ve had more experience than most in the flight fields.

“Ok. I’ll remember that, Dad.” Shibboleth wanted to roll her eyes at her sire, but knew that it would just make him sulky.

~Just talk to me if you need something to do during the day. I’m always available.~

Shibboleth nodded. “Don’t worry, dad, I’m sure that I’ll find something to do...” With that she flapped off, not leaving room for Dhum to say any more. She knew that he just had the best in mind for her, but sometimes she wished that she lived somewhere else so that she could just get away.

And... she had plenty to do on her own.

Well, not on her own, but without her father.

“Hey, guys!” chirped Shibboleth, landing in a familiar forest clearing.

“Yo, Shibb. What’s up?” Shim’Sharvan, a shining silver-rainbow gave her a nod.

Sykin, a green whorling, gave her a wave with a wing. “Been having a good day?”

Shibboleth shrugged. “Not yet... But we could make it one!”

Shim’Sharvan purred and arched his neck languorously. “What did you have in mind?”

“Maybe we can head on over to Cy village?”

(bondless dragons puttering around. don't think I had anything grand to begin with...)

Name: Nevesti
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Size: Medium-Large
Personality: Nevesti gives till it hurts, even when he barely has anything left. He isn’t great about being assertive and often gets taken advantage of, but he can never bring himself to mind. He is a friend of many dragons and humans at Cy and is the one that bondless in trouble usually go to.
Abilities: Size-Shifting, Telepathy, Teleportation, the ability to make the glowies on their body flicker and blink like christmas lights!

Name: Ranaz
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Personality: Ranaz is a sneak... but not a coward, or brutal. She doesn’t mind conning someone out of their hard-earned cash, but won’t kill them for it. She likes to think that she has integrity
Abilities: Ranaz is dark and average-looking, something that she accents to avoid visibility. She isn’t this or that... just... average and nondescript.

Nevesti sat alertly at the foot of Cy tower. The glowing orbs that hung off his body were the only light he had in the darkness, but that was just fine. He could see well in the dark and there wasn’t anything to be afraid of. Supposedly he was doing watch, but he couldn’t imagine anyone actually trying to destroy Cy in the middle of the night. Why would they want to at all? It wasn’t like Cy bothered or offended anyone...

Nevesti felt a yawn trying to rise up out of his throat but pushed it back. He couldn’t be sleepy. He was on watch. Tenken and Birana had asked so nicely that he take their place, so he couldn’t let them down. He’d get the job done.

Oh... hello, there! He said cheerfully to a traveler. Strange... most travelers didn’t hide in bushes. Maybe she was just scared. Don’t worry... I’m a friendly dragon. I won’t hurt you. Are you lost?

She glanced up at him and Nevesti looked down amiably. Nevesti almost thought that she muttered “This will be easier than I thought.” under her breath... but he had to be mistaken. Why would she say something like that?

So... what do you need? Prompted Nevesti. He could leave the post for a little bit if it was to tour guide. Oh wait... first... My name is Nevesti. He gave her a slight bow and she nodded her head in return.

“I’m Ranaz. It’s nice to meet you.”

Nevesti’s tail wagged happily the thought of having a new friend. Yes yes... Now... are you lost? Or do you want to be here? Can I show you around?

Ranaz smiled so politely that Nevesti felt the need to be even nicer to her, which was why he was especially pleased when she gave him a request. “Could I... see my way around Cy, maybe?”

Of course, thrummed Nevesti. We can start with the sands and work our way up. You can even ride on my back if you get tired. There are so many stairs!

“I think that I’ll be ok... I’m in good shape!” Ranaz seemed almost as cheery as Nevesti himself as he led her through the two great doors.

Great great... Anyways... here are the hatching sands! Empty now, but usually we have big clutches and...


Ranaz couldn’t believe her luck. She had been slightly worried about sneaking into Cy Dragonstake past the eyes of a watchdragon... but this one? Easier than stealing eggs from a flitter... which was exactly what she planned on doing.

Ranaz did her best at feigning interest, and her best was pretty darn good. The dragon bought every lie that she fed it and she had plenty to spare.

(theif and dragon! Doubler candie! Both can go to one place or one somewhere and one somewhere else!)

Chrysa Ptisi
(male immortal-type-being)

White. Everywhere, white. So much where he’d grown up, the brilliant white that surrounded his every motion. White.

But this was impossible. The white there was in the form of ordered stone, block upon block of structured reality. This white was... Turbulent..... Chaotic... Violent. This white covered the sky and the air and the ground and him. This white swirled and clung and stuck to his face... his hair... his eyes.

The noise and yet the silence was deafening. The very ground that he walked upon was treacherous, throwing Chrysa cruelly to the ground. Once down he was at the mercy of the whiteness. It was covering him and he couldn’t stop it. It was holding him and he couldn’t shake it off. It was touching him and he couldn’t make it go away.

He couldn’t be touched!



The sunlight fell goldenly onto swirled patterns of the lightest silver upon the child’s hands. The swirls continued over his pale skin, winding their way up the arms, neck, face. All the way up to the fluffed white hair the swirls made their patterns.

The sun was high in the sky, where it was always. The sky was blue and clear, as it was always. The temperature was perfect, as it was always, though the denizens of that world couldn’t even feel it.

“Chrysa,” hummed his mother, calling his attention. “You must not ever let anyone touch you. To touch is to lose purity, lose self. To touch is to destroy the very patterns that we are made of, do you understand?” The last note of her words ended softly, leaving Chrysa in the silence-that-was-not-silence.

“Yes, mother,” sang Chrysa back. His patterns, his self, his life. He had to protect these. He had to protect them for the people living bellow who needed to follow the Theos and their power.

“Good,” hummed his mother back. “You must never be...”

Chrysa strained to hear, but it was only whispers to him. “What? What did you say?”

Only whispers answered. Why wouldn’t she sing louder? Why couldn’t he hear her?

Chrysa listened... listened... listened...


“And the weather today will have a high at about 15 degrees, low at 7. Don’t expect to see the sun today, the winter storms are still heavily closed in about the area. Up to four feet of precipitation is predicted and that will continue to accumulate over the night.”

Chrysa’s eyes opened slowly. Before him was an image of a person... Something was wrong with that person. Chrysa squinted and they came more into focus, gesturing behind themselves at arrows that moved with no apparent purpose.

Something. Wrapped around Chrysa was... something. He looked down. A blanket. Had he been asleep?

And what was that strange device emitting the noise and images?

Chrysa started to untangle himself from the blanket, managing to get one arm free from the mass.

He stared.

His patterns... His silver patterns...

Were smudged.

The body, That Which Encased Himself, started reacting. He couldn’t control his breathing. It came and went and came and went and almost didn’t allow him to think in between. His patterns had been changed. Where delicate swirls once where, a mar. A smudge. An impurity.

(don't recall where I was going... I think I was just playing with a notion for a new brand of immortal. He is pretty much a higher being dropped into a modern-ish day world (with magic, though))

And, those're them! Any takers? Or shall I just type them to what I feel like and find somewhere myself? ^^[/i]
Last edited by hksherra on Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jess d
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Post by jess d »

Do you mean pick one, and you'll send it as a candidate? That's what I'm getting from it, and if so, I wouldn't mind Nual coming to the clutch at Malnev. You wouldn't even have to add much to her, just add more if(when) she bonds.
If it's too short notice, that's okay too, but I can add her to the hatching if you want and you can get me a page afterwards. But it's up to you
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Post by hksherra »

Jess, that sounds grand! I'll try to tack on an ending real quick to her story and I'll send you an official page tonight! ^^

And yeah... this is for picking stories that you want as candies.

Nual is taken!
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Post by Cacopheny »

Whaaaagh, I want, like, three of them XD But when will I have time for yet more characters?

I'll settle for one, and since my first choice Jess snitched (shape-shifting every day? cool idea XD ), could I adopt that immortal Chrysa Ptisi?

And hey, by the way, are you still giving me that sadist fellow, Ibian? o.o Or did you change your mind?
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Post by hksherra »

@ Caco- XD Well, I'd intended on people chosing 'em and me sending 'em as candidates to their sites, but you can have the half-finished story(ies) if you want! If I finish 'em and bond 'em out then I'd prefer to keep the characters, just because I'd have a lot more time invested in them... *scratches head* You don't have an adoption place... do you? Am I just blanking on it? You can have Chrysa Ptisi as a character or as a candie if you want... He was a vague pioneer at a new world so you could even make up his habitat if you wanted to...
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Aww... I was gonna ask for Chrysa. But... I also like Mimoia. Could you possibly send her to the V Dance? ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Cacopheny »

hksherra wrote:@ Caco- XD Well, I'd intended on people chosing 'em and me sending 'em as candidates to their sites, but you can have the half-finished story(ies) if you want! If I finish 'em and bond 'em out then I'd prefer to keep the characters, just because I'd have a lot more time invested in them... *scratches head* You don't have an adoption place... do you? Am I just blanking on it? You can have Chrysa Ptisi as a character or as a candie if you want... He was a vague pioneer at a new world so you could even make up his habitat if you wanted to...
... oh. I tooooootally misread the thing you said to Jess, not to mention the original post XD Never mind. No, I don't have an adoption place, and I thought that this *was* that you didn't want to finish the stories, so you were foisting them off on other people. Never mind, then ^^' :: feels dumb XD :: You must tell me what you do with him, though, cuz he looks fascinating : O
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Post by hksherra »

Sure sure! One Mimoia comin' right up for v-dance! ^^ Well... as soon as I write some semblance of a story for her...
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Post by hksherra »

Cacopheny wrote:
hksherra wrote:@ Caco- XD Well, I'd intended on people chosing 'em and me sending 'em as candidates to their sites, but you can have the half-finished story(ies) if you want! If I finish 'em and bond 'em out then I'd prefer to keep the characters, just because I'd have a lot more time invested in them... *scratches head* You don't have an adoption place... do you? Am I just blanking on it? You can have Chrysa Ptisi as a character or as a candie if you want... He was a vague pioneer at a new world so you could even make up his habitat if you wanted to...
... oh. I tooooootally misread the thing you said to Jess, not to mention the original post XD Never mind. No, I don't have an adoption place, and I thought that this *was* that you didn't want to finish the stories, so you were foisting them off on other people. Never mind, then ^^' :: feels dumb XD :: You must tell me what you do with him, though, cuz he looks fascinating : O
It really isn't a problem if you want to finish his story and use him yourself for something!
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Yay! *already has a clutch in mind for her* ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Cacopheny »

hksherra wrote:It really isn't a problem if you want to finish his story and use him yourself for something!
Nope, he's yours ^^ Keep him : D
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Post by Silver Midnight »

Yes, Gail, but you're still running those RoF clutches aren't you? ;)
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Post by hksherra »

And the plot thickens! I'll fork him over to Caco should there be a clutch, to Mystic if there isn't!
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Post by Cacopheny »

Oh, yes, that's true, I am hosting a couple of RoF clutches. Which... I've had forever and haven't tried to advertize >.> Or update, actually; I got a batch form DF a while ago to put up there XD Should probably do that, huh?
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Post by Unyko »

I could always beg you to send one over here.. if there are any left by the time my silly comp decides to post this, that is.. ^.^;;; *timid* ... .php?t=843
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Post by hksherra »

Status: Sent Nual to Jess!
Still need to do:
Chrysa for Caco
Mimoia for Mystic
Someone for Unkyo....
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Post by DragonFlight »

I'm not plugging the clutch because of my event, but there's still fluffy dogdra-thing-babies going to hatch at the Citadel of Shadows. ^^
Database Being Revamped

'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
I sneezed. It seems to have reshaped reality. My bad.
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Post by hksherra »

Oh yeah! I keep forgetting, do you want bad'uns, good'uns, or does it matter for that clutch? *considers* It's been a while since I've written a real bad'un..
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Post by DragonFlight »

I'm going more neutral at this point so it could be just about anyone. ^_~
Database Being Revamped

'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
I sneezed. It seems to have reshaped reality. My bad.
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