Eakishi test... Working on details...

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Post by hksherra »

Samber wrote:...I had Jiedan heading to the Waizu embassy (please, please, please don't tell me there isn't one... >.<). The fellow that hired her is, I think, some sort of diplomatic aide, and he's just beginning to get into the Eakishi as a hobby?

Ehh. I'll just write, and you can tell me if I messed up horribly later. :)
Well there are definitely Waizu embassies about, just not necessarily on Dracania... Probably not realistically on any fantasy worlds, actually...

Bah, but really... I don't care! XD Go ahead and play around... Heck... maybe it'll inspire some more Waizu stuff! From reading Shard's I decided that I needed to make up a few goofball trainers who were flinging Eakishi at offworlders and general noncitizens.

So... moral of the story... I'm not going to be annoyed or anything about infactual Waizu references since I didn't provide any info beforehand and this is just a demo run. I'll like people to be more accurate once Kiai Tohyou officially opens... But by then I'll have a slew of species and cultural info, and the Waizu a little more figured out...

If anyone is interested, I'll post the species profile I have for the Waizu. In preparation for my Tournament I created a few alien species and the Waizu are the most fleshed out so far... more so in my mind than in the stats, but hopefully they'll help anyone else who has yet to write a story and feels like using 'em.

Name: Waizu

Homeworld: Honba

Homeworld Information: Chill, rocky and windy, there are few truly habitable areas of Honba. Forests of conifer-like trees exist, but they are patrolled by dangerous predators that the Waizu have never cared enough about to eradicate. The higher classes of Waizu have taken to living in floating cities in the clouds while the lower ranked still scratch a living out of the rock.

Range: The Waizu have an extensive stretch of captured and colonized planets, the living arrangements much like those on their homeworld of Honba. They also have a fondness for space stations, and many of the more aristocratic families own personal ones for themselves and their servants.

Technology Level: 8 (meaning pretty dang advanced)
Magic Level: 4 (some pretty cool psyonics, but not much else)

Appearance: The Waizu are bipedal with almost antelope-like faces and horns. An omnivorous heritage has left them with large canines which protrude slightly out of the closed mouth. They have four fingers, though the middle one is more like a combination of two with a vestigial hoof. There are distinct differences between the males and females of the species. The females are the larger of the species and more plainly colored, tending towards dusty grays, browns, and whites. Their hair is coarse and usually braded away from their faces and horns.

The males tend to be smaller, more delicate and decorative. Their coloration ranges from the more plain shades of the females to deep reds and shady blues. Their horns can be over twice as long as the females, sometimes reaching lengths of up to 3’. Their hair is soft and silky, kept in whatever manner suits their position.

A recent fashion trend has changed the look of the Waizu species. The elite Waizu have begun to genetically engineer their offspring to have a more human-like appearance. Their faces are human at first glance, but at further inspection they have distinctly equine eyes. Their ears are elongated and their noses are a bit flatter and longer than a regular human’s. The sharp canines are still present though not as obvious as naturally. They may show a phantom pattern of what they would have had without the genetic modification, but it is just the barest of colors across their skin. The hooves and horns remain unchanged, as do the size differences. The hands become roughly modified to five-digits, the nails still carrying the characteristic hardness.

The Waizu dress in soft and flowing clothing, the colors complimenting their natural hues and patterns. The higher the rank of Waizu, the more intricate and expensive the clothing. (may change their clothing habits some, but trainers and breeders dress different anyhow. I have pictures I'll scan sometime, but the main thing is that trainers/breeders dress so they look kinda like Eakishi)

Size: Males: 4’- 5’6” tall
Females: 5’-7’ tall

Temperament: The Waizu as a race are distant and diffident. The lower ranked Waizu are more friendly than the higher ranks, but they still carry an aloof nature when dealing with other species. The females are the more militant of the race and can be aggressive and overbearing if in the wrong conditions. The dominant females are natural leaders while the submissive ones become sneaky and conniving. When the females take a mate they become anywhere from protective to possessive, depending on rank and personality.

The male Waizu have more outgoing personalities. They are curious and friendly, at least, those that don’t adopt the female’s hostile natures. They are always a little submissive, especially so if they sense a dominant female about. This habit carries through to their interactions with other species, which is why the females do most of the political negotiations.

(and, of course, these are just generalities...)

Abilities: Still working on this, but psyonics, especially with males. Good with music too... still working on it.
Language: Two languages, one spoken language, Renja (that sounds an awful lot like japanese >_>), one singing language, Saezuru (piped through their back breathing tubes)

Renja used for most functions and for names. Saezuru used between mates, in courting, at some official functions.

And the deal with the Eakishi is officially that some trainer group or other (mostly females) got a batch of Ea foals (probably from their own Eakishi) and decided to sell 'em off/give 'em away offworld.

Or... you can do whatever plot elements works for your story. XD As long as the Eakishi doesn't get born from two Selamputos or something, however your character gets it is fine with me.

And I don't terribly care about how Waizu-ish your Waizu are if they're incorporated... This is a non-stressful event! ^^

Oh... and all the Waizu info is still... alterable... ^^ They aren't gonna be set in stone for a while...

And... sorry if I just information overloaded... I'm rather excited and inspired by this whole thing right now... Ha ha! I have 9 profiles for important breeders and other folksis! And I've worked out a ranking system for trainers... I've been trying to figure out a government but I'm not grand at making those up... Have to search around in literary and historical sources for something that inspires me...

And now I need sleep! *dashes off*
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Post by hksherra »

Okie dokie... and I scanned in two of the drawings I've done of breeders.

The first one is of a mated pair of trainers, the ones that bred the line oif Eakishi that I've given out this time.


The male is the shorter. The taller is a female, though Waizu don't have mamiaries so.. no boobs! The hairstyle they have is commonly worn by breeders and trainers, imitating the one long horn of the Eakishi. The flowing arm drapes are also common fare for Ea breeders/trainers. Since Waizu only have vestigial tails, breeders/trainers also have draping material in place of one. They also tend to dress with visible torsos and backs.

Dah... what else can I say... Oh, these two are named Shinju Juri (m) and Shinju Ukeire (f). They're gonna be the most approachable breeders.

The second one is another female, but a bit more fancy. She'll breed the Novelty Eakishi, some that fight and some that don't:

Image Really want to color her and add some more detail... She'll be pretty colorful. Her name is Chou Herahera.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand... that is all for now, though I've probably overloaded you with info! XD I can't help it! I'm excited!

Oh... and the scans could be better quality... my scanner at college is a bit nicer for drawings, I think...
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Post by Shard »

Gaaaad they're so cool. :)

I want to send poor Osh and Haesh to breed with them. :) Lend em some color! Oh wait. Osh is white and haesh is black. :) they've got greeeeen in them though! :)


I'm totally loving that the males of the Waizu are submissive - because that totally explains how Vanya, whose Social skill is HORRID, could have badgered the poor guy into taking a Slave on. Maybe G*non'll find out about it and take him in, or something like that - because he wouldn't know what he's in for. lol!
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Post by hksherra »

Eeek! Those dudes are really cool! ^^ I haven't worked out exactly what their breeding "fixtures" are, but I seriously doubt that their compatible with... well... most of the species that interbreed like rabbits here in the Nexus! XD

Actually, unless it is magical breeding or something... They definitely wouldn't be to thrilled with the thought of interspecies breeding... Interspecies mariage/mating, however, isn't forbidden. They'll mate out, usually the males, to other species occasionally to improve relations or whatnot.

They'd probably be very interested in the genetics, though, to check out similarities and stuff!

^^ And yeah, Waizu males are easier to badger... Ha... he probably would pass Narul off to his mate who then may or may not pass him off to someone else...

I dunno... I just want to keep him around the Waizu because I think it would be dang funny and fun to do...

And this is all very disjointed because I"m watching TV while typing and keep forgetting what I'm talking about...
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Post by jess d »

I've started working on mine's story, actually have been working on it since i got her, but I won't have it finished until probably Sunday. But I will definitely make sure the story is done and up by the end of Sunday, even if I end up with a really low training score
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Post by Shard »

Don't forget, Zekira is based on breeding for the good genes. :) Vanya Sengihr is a genetic engineer of the highest caliber shy of the very best by all of 2 people. One of whom is his uncle Darkhanis, and the other's wake was attended by over 10 thousand people *that she bred out of genes alone*. :) So it's no wonder that Vanya and his attendants would have no trouble at all looking at a Waizu and seeing 'animal master' because they're so stock in trade for that sort of world. They would assume they're Tuned toward 'antelope/hoofstock' not dragons, but hey that's more the fun.

And I keep getting this image in my head of the guy I used, tilting his head and having little danglybobbs from his ears. (Of course I'm seeing him with much bigger ears, I like the more fully anthro-version than the humanoid type faces.)
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Post by hksherra »

^^ You definitely have the right image in mind. I need to draw up an unaltered Waizu to stick up here... They're fun!
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Post by Kesava »

Ok, story is completed for training score judging. http://www.geocities.com/oros_mr/drakkin.html

Chaitali at Cy and The First Eakishi are the links to the story, the Eakishi stats is just Nal'ver's picture, stats, and personality.
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Post by Shard »

Maybe it's just my version of FF here at work, but the text box is behind the background image. :( I can see just the faintest trim around that spookyass eye... My coworker thinks the picture's really freakin cool though...
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Post by Kesava »

hmm....yeah, doesn't seem to like Mozilla. Let me play around with it and I'll see if I can fix that.
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Post by hksherra »

I"m too tired to make sense of story right now, so I'll read it tomorrow! Looked at the stats though, and they seem pretty nifty! ^^
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Post by Kesava »

Ok, until I can work something better out, from http://www.geocities.com/oros_mr/dande.html, you can access two different versions of the page. Use the IE one if you can (it has the cool picture), but until I can work something out that will allow both IE and other browsers to view it the same, this will have to do. Thanks for letting me know about that, Shard....I never would have checked it on Mozilla otherwise.

And At Cy (where the Eakishi's story begins) is only one page - if you click continue, it runs into The First Eakishi.
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Post by hksherra »

Just wanted to say... may take another day or two to get to this... my laptop just went away for repairs so I'm stuck using whatever computer the family isn't using... and I don't like them nearly as much... -_-
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