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Should the Dragon species be called Askan, or should the Light Dragon Type be called Askan?

Dragon Species
Light Type
Total votes: 18

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Avengaean Updates

Post by JKatkina »

Okay, as I try and breathe some life back into Sanctuary here, I'm reworking little tiny bits and pieces of my Avengaean species, both to make them more feasable to me and more accomidating to the Nexus. :) Here's some of the changes:

Change #1: Element-titles will be secondary to subspecies-titles now. While the different types will still probably get called Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Light, those are not the "official" names anymore. :) The changes go (sorry for any spelling differences between now and whenever I was discussing it with people earlier; these are the finalized versions):
Air = Makanan
Earth = Niteshan
Fire = Piralan
Water = Cascatan
Light = ... that I need help with. :3

See, I have a fifth title: Askan. I can't decide if I want that to be the species-name for dragons in general, or the type-name for Lights, but either way, I need to come up with a sixth useable name. :) that's where I need help deciding, and what the poll's about.

Latin-based but not directly-translated-Latin words are far preferable to anything else. Nothing too obvious (Angelan is right out, sorry X33), but things with a reason behind them are nice. :) I was toying with Aven just being the species name, but then I need one for the Demon species too!

Speaking of, the Demons get type-names and need a sixth species name, too. The changes for them go like this:
Air = Hircan
Earth = Biran
Fire = Gyujtoan
Water = Shevran
Dark = Either Zenitan or another unchosen name. :)

Change #2: Avengaean Dragons are now breeding-compatable with multiheaded creatures/hydras/whatever. Congrats!

However, multiheaded Avens are still nonviable. If an Aven (or part-Aven up to one quarter) breeds with a multiheader, they will have fewer offspring and none will be multiheaded, due to multiheaded fetuses spontaneously aborting in the womb. :P Probably something to do with the odd nerve setup needed for many eyes and brains meshing input.

Change #3: There are new Water dragons in the seas of Avengaea!

The old waters are of course still about, and far more abundant than the new kind, but in obscure pods out in the middle of the ocean (and a few closer in!), the Old type have begun giving birth to the New type (talk about a surprise when your child looks nothing like you or your mate). This is due to Asuka, the goddess, doing some serious genetic tampering, which being a goddess she can manage pretty easy. :) She's even appeared to a few of the lucky new parents to tell them that these mutant babies are a good thing, and sent them out to spread the word.

The new Avengaens are still called Cascatans, but they're New Cascatans. :3 Their traits are extremely genetically dominant over the Old water types, and Asuka hopes, in a few generations with this and her tampering combined, the new Waters will stage a peaceful genetic takeover of Avengaea's seas.

Some Old Cascatans are not too pleased about this, I imagine.

Anyways, sneak preview of the Young and Juvenille images for these new guys!


The color stripe differs in color between individuals. :3 I'd meant for the coloring to be a bit lighter, but it's hard to tell what's scanned light and what's scanned dark on this computer. >.>
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Post by Rachael »

Pretty. =D

Sooo. Daemons can also breed across multiheaders?
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Post by JKatkina »

X3 Daemons can breed with aaaaaaaanything. Anything. Including multiheaders~
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Post by Rachael »

XD Oh my, that makes me really happy. >D
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Post by Xenoqueen »

I voted that Askan and Zenitian be the species-wide names (I think it more appropriate for the goddesses to give their names to the entire species, and not just their favorite :P), so I come offering a few Light and Dark-specific names.

For Lights:
Coluxan (from 'rays of light' + 'light')
Lucixan (from 'light' + 'light-bringing')
Lucescan (from 'to become light/begin to shine')

For Darks:
Tenevan (from 'darkness' + 'black')
Caetran (from 'dark' + 'unseen')
Noxican (from 'night; darkness, gloom, death')
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Post by Cacopheny »

But all the *other* dragon breeds are named for their respective gods. Why should Lights be any different? Why should Lights get a special name? XD
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Post by Xenoqueen »

They are? Oh. Nevermind then. <.> I thought they were more "Latin-based but not directly-translated-Latin words" names.
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Post by Cacopheny »

Awww, didn't mean to make you sadface o.o :: hugs her Phe-chan ::
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Eh-heh. Just a little embarrassing when I go "whee!" on something, and then find out I was missing a rather important piece of background info. ^^*
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Post by JKatkina »

X33 Aww, the Lords are less gods and more...conduits, and immortals of their particular type.

Honestly? I like your suggestions, Phe. ^^ They're definitely on my list!
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Post by Sargon »

I think Askan is a good overall name. But i also like just Avens, that's really cool too. Tight new names, they work really well and have a real meaning to them. Most of mine are just things i think went good. Are lights your favorite Aven type (waters:hey hey now! xD) ? Or do they in a way best represent avengeaen dragons as a whole? I have firebites, greenhorns, golgans, rouges darks and rayllomians, even thought my entire race of dragon are called rayllomians. They're by far not my favs, but i feel they represent my draogn-race the best as a whole because they were the first.

Just something i thought i'd throw in there, maybe to hlep you decide. :D

avens also reminds me of birds. which is like perfect for a dragon race name because of the whole "hi i'm a flying lizard" thing. xD
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Post by Dray »

>.> I voted for Lights only, following Gail's reasoning... however, I rather like Phe's suggestions, too (especially Lucescan and Noxican), maybe you could work those in somehow? XD Heck, you could pull out 'dragon' altogether and replace them with those words, just to take away that loaded meaning that 'dragon' gives. "But it doesn't have scales and breathe fire!" etc. etc. XD
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Post by Naeodin »

Daemons can breed with aaaaaaaanything
:twisted: :twisted:
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