Monthly/Quarterly art contest?

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Monthly/Quarterly art contest?

Post by Xalia »

Been working on a contest on DA that Dray turned me on to and I had an idea. What would you all think about holding a monthly (or quarterly since people are busy...) art contest?

I'd need some people to volunteer to help me judge and they wouldn't be elligible for the contest, but otherwise anyone could enter (or if people don't want to volunteer to judge I could leave it to a vote) and there would be a theme or topic each month that needed to be covered. I'd need help with prize ideas too, but it might be fun to see what everyone comes up with!

So what do you think?
Last edited by Xalia on Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tripaldi Weyr
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Post by Shard »

I think a quarterly contest would rawk. I've participated in the Seventh Sanctum contest where it's more 'how closely do you follow the request' than 'wow that's gorgeous art'. :) because it's not about level of talent, in a contest like that, its more what goes into the piece.

Maybe we should collect a lot of ideas and just shuffle them instead of trying to vote time after time for what specifics would be required. :) That always takes so long.
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Post by Xalia »

I was thinking more I'd throw out a random topic and then either have a 'panel of judges' to decide who wins or let you all vote for the winner. And yeah, I'd rather the winner be based on creativity and how well the topic was covered than on who managed the best art...that would be a little unfair with the wide range of artistic abilities we have here.

We could have different categories each quarter too, like line art one quarter, full color the next, prose another quarter, and even poetry if people were interested! That way all our strengths could be touched on at some point. If it's popular we could even cycle through the first quarter of the year would always be prose, the second quarter would always be lineart...etc...

We could certainly throw out a list of ideas for me to randomly select from too if that's easier than leaving it up to me or people are worried about what I'd choose.

Would anyone want to be a judge or would we rather make it an open vote?
Tripaldi Weyr
Jurizlandia-Coming Soon
Silver Midnight

Post by Silver Midnight »

I'll judge.
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